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Choice Stable Mixture Unleaded Gasolins for Vehicles with 3,5 and 10% Ethanol and 0,1, 0,2, 0,3 0,5 and 1% Water


M. Pecanac - University of Banja Luka
M. Radovanovic - University of Belgrade
S. Petkovic - University of Banja Luka



Ethyl alcohol is used in the various relations with gasoline. Problem with the mixture is the separation. It is shown in the paper the possibility of production and selection of the stabile mixture of the unleaded motor gasoline and ethyl alcohol.

Products of the fossil fuels combustion damages flora and fauna. To reduce the consequences of the damages caused by the combustion products, the law regulations are getting stricter in order to reduce the allowed amounts of the partial combustion products. We introduce alternative fuels gradually with the same aim. Among all the fuels produced from the renewable sources, besides biodiesel, alcohols are considered the most acceptable alternative fuel.

Keywords: unleaded gasoline, ethyl alcohol, separation, ecology

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