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Models for Off-Road Longitudinal Tire Traction


Rosca Radu - Technical University Iasi
Rakosi Edward - Technical University Iasi
Manolache Gheorghe - Technical University Iasi



In both models, tire deflection under load was taken into account by replacing the real wheel with an imaginary one, with a larger radius r

Complete soil rebound was taken into account for the first model and incomplete soil rebound was considered for the second model.

The models were developed in order to calculate net traction force and traction efficiency of the wheel.

A variable shear area, depending upon wheel slip, was also taken into account for some variants.

The experimental results concerning the net traction force and traction efficiency have shown that the first model gives the best fit with the experimental data, when variable shear area is taken into account.

The paper presents some comparative results between two wheel traction models and experimental data.d >r0; accordingly, the length of the contact patch is lc = rd.

Keywords: tire traction, traction model, contact patch

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