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Prospects and Conditions for Wider use of Alternative Fuels


Miljko Kokic - Zastava Vehicles Group
Snezana Vrekic - Zastava Institute for Cars
Dimitrije Obradovic - Zastava Institute for Cars



An enormons price increase of crude oil and imperilment of reserves have actualized again a wider use of alternative fuels. It is estimated that until 2020, the share of alternative fuels will reach around 30%. The renewable fuels, such as biodiesel and ethanol, as well as the natural gas (CNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG), are expected to record a high growth of their usage. As for the countries where the carburettor engines are still in use and where the labour cost is low, it appears on the basis of conducted researches that an investment in conversion from gasoline to LPG will be paid off to the vehicle owner for less than one year. A broader use of alternative fuels inevitable calls for a government subsidies to be granted.

Keywords: fuels, ecology, ethanol, LPG, CNG

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