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Optimization of Active Suspension System by use of Full Vehicle Model


Miroslav Demic - Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Kragujevac
Dorde Diligenski - Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinča



Suspension systems have a great influence on vehicle characteristics, especially on vibrational comfort and handling. Classical suspension systems can offer only a compromise between requirements for vibration comfort and handling, applicable for a limited range of service conditions. Suspension systems with controlled characteristics, such as semiactive and active suspension systems, demonstrate better features. Therefore, this paper will deal with design of vehicle active suspension system. By use of spatial vehicle model an active suspension system is developed, without filters in feedback loop of control system. A method of `stochastic parameters optimization´ has been utilized in order to optimize active suspension system parameters. The basic goal of this optimization procedure was to achieve a simultaneous minimization of sprung mass acceleration and standard deviation of forces in tire-to-ground contact area, so as to provide optimal values of vehicle comfort and handling performances.

Keywords: vehicle, active suspension system, PID controller, optimization

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