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Vortex Ring-Like Structures in Gasoline Fuel Sprays


Sergei Sazhin - University of Brighton
Felix Kaplanski - Tallinn University of Technology
Steven Begg - University of Brighton
Morgan Heikal - University of Brighton


Vortex ring-like structures in gasoline fuel sprays have been studied experimentally, and a model, explaining some of their features has been developed. The time dependence of the vortex ring thickness ℓ is given by the relation ℓ =atb, where a is an arbitrary positive number, and 1/ 4 ≤ b ≤ 1/ 2 . The predictions of the model were compared with the results of experimental studies of vortex rings in gasoline engine-like conditions. The data analyses were focused on the determination of the time evolution of the locations of the regions of maximal vorticity and the axial velocities in these locations. Most of the values of the axial velocity of the vortex rings lie between the theoretically predicted values corresponding to the late stage of vortex ring development and b=1/4 (fully developed turbulence) and 1/2 (laminar case).

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