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Critical Interpretation of Experimental Versus Calculation Data of Co Imission for Different Zones in the City of Timisoara


Virgiliu Dan Negrea, Prof. Dr. Eng. - University “Politehnica Timisoara”
Gelu Cădariu, Dr. Eng. - University “Politehnica Timisoara”
Florentina Cadariu, Dr. Ph. - University “Politehnica Timisoara”


Key words:

Caline4, Co emission, Traffic pollution.


In this paper the authors treated aspects considering the relation between the roadways and the organization of the traffic, the implication on the environmental pollution, pollution produced by the vehicles engine with internal combustion. The authors has used for compute evaluation of the imissions the program CALINE 4, 1.31 version, November 2003, Caltrans 1997, witch is an model of dispersion predictions the value of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone in neighborhood of roadways.CL4 is a modeling program to assess air quality impacts near transportation facilities. It is based on the Gaussian diffusion equation and employs a mixing zone concept to characterize pollutant dispersion over the roadway. In the same time we made experimental researches based on the imissions determination for diverse locations in Timisoara. The measured values being considering are recently. The apparatus are modern, according to the European Union standards. The experimental dates, statistics percents presented for Timisoara include a large period and insist to the last experimental dates from 2004. The validity of adaptation of the compute program to the real conditions to Timisoara, are made by juxtaposition of the compute results and experimental dates. Well to remark that the calculated values, such as the measured data are under the limited values.

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