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Vehicle Fleet Management with the Objective of Attaining the Sustainable Development


Vladimir Momcilovic, B.Sc. - Faculty of Transport and Traffic engineering, University of Belgrade Vladimir Papic, Ph.D., Professor - Faculty of Transport and Traffic engineering, University of Belgrade
Stevo Buncic, Ph.D. - Faculty of Transport and Traffic engineering, University of Belgrade



vehicle fleet management, sustainable development, energy efficiency, vehicle maintenance, decision support system


The sustainability of road transport is crucial since transport has a leading role regarding the environmental impact. The activities can be addressed to the transport sector as a whole, transport companies, and vehicle fleets. Measures for increasing vehicle fleet energy efficiency could be numerous. Their common goals are basically the same: increasing the energy efficiency leading to decrease of greenhouse gases emission. The increase in vehicle maintenance efficiency and vehicle recycling rate in order to optimize industry energy consumption would lead to vehicle lifecycle extension, which postpones the need for purchasing the vehicles of the latest technology. The problem is determining the optimal solution.

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