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Vehicle Body Durability Estimation with Dynamic Fatigue Life Analysis Method - Vehicle Durability Estimation with MSM (Modal Superposition Method)


Changhoon Lee - Hyundai Motor Company
YoungDug Yu - Hyundai Motor Company
JaeWook Jeon - Hyundai Motor Company


Modal Superposition Method(MSM) makes it possible to estimate fatigue life of vehicle components by using mode and modal Transient analyses, in which the load history of real vehicle is imposed to obtain the dynamic response. The MSM has advantages of computing time and evaluation method compared with other methods developed for fatigue life prediction. Moreover, the MSM may provide a reliable result. To verify the reliability of the MSM, comparisons have been made between numerical results and experimental data measured at eight positions on a developing vehicle. It was demonstrated that the MSM shows a reliability of the fatigue life prediction for vehicle components.

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