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Finite Element Analysis of Tearing Patterns for Laser Scored Region of Invisible Passenger Side Airbag Door


Kang-Wook Lee - Hyndai Mobis
Tae-Jung Yeo - Hyndai Mobis
Soon-Jo Park - Hyndai Mobis


The main feature of invisible passenger side airbag is that airbag door and instrument panel are integrated and the tear seam is not visible. One of the performance requirements is no fragmentation of the airbag door when the airbag deploys at hot, room and cold temperature. Especially, it is very difficult to meet this requirement at cold temperature for had type instrument panel. A new analysis model using finite element method, so called a microscopic section model, was developed to predict the fragmentation and two kinds of laser-scored patterns were analyzed. It can be concluded that the analysis model in this study can be used to design the types of laser scoring with the minimum of real deployment tests.

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