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The Study of a Diesel Engine Spray Characteristics
on Combustion and Exhaust Gas Emission
by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)


Iman K. Reksowardojo - Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Widodo B. Santoso - Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Rachmat K. Bachrun - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Wiranto Arismunandar - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Noboru Miyamoto - Hokkaido University


This paper presents the results of three dimensional simulation using CFD on a diesel engine spray. In this study the effect of some spray parameters like injection timing, break-up time and other important factors that control the diesel combustion such as swirl ratio, piston wall temperature , and initial charge temperature were investigated.

The result of the simulation shows that the formation of exhaust gas emission, which is influenced by injection timing, break-up time, swirl ratio, can be predicted qualitatively. The influence of piston wall temperature on Total Hydrocarbon

(THC) emission concentration still could not be predicted properly.

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