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Study of Material Development of Instrument Panel with Hard Type Seamless PAB


Insook Chun - Polymer & Organic Material Lab. Team, Technical Center, GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co.
Wongu Kang - Polymer & Organic Material Lab. Team, Technical Center, GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co.



Hard type seamless PAB (Passenger Airbag), Laser scoring, Airbag deployment test, Sharp edge, Airbag Chute


The trend of automotive interior parts is focused on the improvement of optic and haptic properties, reducing the smell and cheap feel due to the enhancement of customer’s expected value and environmental issues. As to increase the application of integrated PAB (Passenger Air Bag) and the tendency of expensive looking, the number of models with IP including seamless PAB, which is called invisible IP, are increasing dramatically. Invisible IP realizes the invisible air bag tear seam line by the laser scoring. To meet the new trends of automotive and IP development, GMDAT developed IP with a hard type seamless PAB. We developed a hard molded-in color PP (Polypropylene) and investigated IP design, laser scoring pattern and integrated PAB. In order to apply the hard type seamless PAB, the developed material was asked high impact strength at the low temperature (below -30℃ ) so that it could meet deployment test at the low temperature (-35℃), room temperature (23℃) and high temperature (85℃) without crack and sharp edge. In addition, it was asked high rigidity to hold the shape of crash pad against the power of airbag deployment. Not only material properties but also laser scoring pattern were main factors of accurate deployment of PAB. The design of airbag chute and steel hinge also was affected on the deployment of PAB.

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