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Accelerated Aging Using FOCAS® - A Burner Based System Simulating an Engine


Bruce B. Bykowski - Southwest Research Institute® Gordon J.J. Bartley - Southwest Research Institute®
Cynthia C. Webb - Southwest Research Institute® Rijing Zhan - Southwest Research Institute® Robert W. Burrahm - Southwest Research Institute®



FOCAS®, catalyst, converter, aging, thermal, oil


Accelerated aging of engine exhaust system components such as catalytic converters are traditionally performed using an engine/dynamometer test stand. SwRI®’s FOCAS® system reduces or eliminates many of the engine based aging limitations. This paper will describe several studies. These include: 1) replication of engine based catalyst aging cycles with added precision and dependability, 2) catalyst aging with and without lubricating oil effects, 3) effects of lubricant phosphorus on catalyst performance, and 4) the potential to thermally age components beyond the capabilities of engine based systems. The first study includes the development of the SwRI FOCAS system to run programmed aging conditions with or without lubricating oil. A description of the subsystems is given. The second two studies used the SwRI FOCAS system to age catalysts. One study compared thermal-only aging using of the SwRI FOCAS system with equivalent aging on a traditional engine/dynamometer test stand. The second study examined the effect on catalyst performance of two lubricating oils containing different levels of phosphorus, and compared the results to field data generated using the same oils in a fleet of vehicles.

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