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Study on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption in the A/C System, which used Variable Displacement Swash-plate Compressor.


Sekil Park - Hyundai Motors Co.
Byungjun Lee - Hyundai Motors Co.
Jinbok Kim - Hyundai Motors Co.
Haksoo Kim - Halla Climate Control Co.
Hewnam Ahn - Halla Climate Control Co.


Keywords :

Fuel consumption, A/C system, Variable displacement compressor.


The experimental study is carried out for evaluating the fuel consumption of variable displacement compressor. Variable displacement compressor is used for changing the capacity of compressor when the cooling load is decreasing. The type of variable displacement compressor experimented is modulated by a swash-plate angle. Its fuel consumption is compared to that of fixed one. The result shows that variable displacement compressor has good driving and improved fuel consumption ratio of 6.1~8.6% than fixed swash-plate compressor.

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