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Comparative Crashworthiness Assessment of the ULSAB-AVC Model with Advance High Strength Steel and Conventional Steel


Johnheon Yoon - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Hoon Huh - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Seho Kim - School of Automotive, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Daegu University
Hongkee Kim - POSCO Technical Research Laboratories
Seungho Park - POSCO Technical Research Laboratories



Crashworthiness, Side impact analysis, ULSAB-AVC(Ultra Light Steel Auto Body Advanced Vehicle Concepts), AHSS(Advance High Strength Steel), US-SINCAP(U. S. Side Impact test for New Car Assessment Program)


As the regulation and assessment program for passenger safety become stringent, automakers are required to develop light and safe vehicles. In order to fulfill both requirements which conflict with each other, automobile and steel companies have proposed the application of AHSS(Advance High Strength Steel) such as DP, TRIP and martensite steel. ULSAB-AVC model is one of the most remarkable reactions to offer solutions with the use of steel for the challenge to simultaneously improve the fuel efficiency, passenger safety, vehicle performance and affordability. This paper is concerned with the crash analysis of ULSABAVC model according to the US-SINCAP in order to compare the effectiveness between the model with AHSS and that with conventional steels. The crashworthiness is investigated by comparing the deformed shape of the cabin room, the energy absorption characteristics and the intrusion velocity of a car.

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