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Optimize of Piston Cavity in a DME Engine


Daeyup Lee - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University
Seunghwan Cho - Graduate School of Engineering, Inha University
Beomho Lee - Graduate School of Engineering, Inha University
Chongyoung Park - Graduate School of Engineering, Inha University
Sungho Maeng - Graduate School of Engineering, Inha University
Jiho Choi - Graduate School of Engineering, Inha University



DME(Di-Methyl Ether), Piston cavity, CI engine


A DME fuel has a strong potential as an alternative fuel for compression ignition engines in term of emissions and diversification of energy sources. In order to improve combustion efficiency the conventional piston cavity, re-entrant type, which is suitable for light oil engines, needs to be optimized to reduce the piston surface and enhance the mixing between gaseous DME fuel and air. In this work, the experimental and analytical studies were carried out. Two piston cavities, re-entrant and bathtub, were installed in a constant volume combustion chamber in order to investigate the flow and mixing characteristics inside cavities when DME is injected. A bathtub piston cavity has smaller surface area that corresponds to 90.3% of that of re-entrant type, while maintaining the same cavity volume. At high pressure(30bar) and temperature(200oC), a DME fuel was injected and flow was observed with the back light method. An auto correlation method was used to investigate the flow and mixing characteristics between air and fuel. Mild turbulent flow was observed with the bathtub type cavity, compared to the re-entrant type cavity.

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