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Development of a Heavy-duty DME Truck in EFV21 Project
- Research and Development of NOx Storage Reduction System for DME engine -


Yoshio Sato - National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
Seang Wock Lee - Kookmin University
Takayuki Tsuchiya - Nissan Diesel Motor CO., LTD



Alternative Fuel, Emission, After-treatment, NOx storage reduction, DME, Heavy-Duty Truck, NOx, PM


In recent years, attention has focused on smokeless, sulfur-free dimethyl ethyl (DME) as a clean fuel for heavy-duty diesel vehicles. As a part of its Next-Generation Environmentally Friendly Vehicles Project (EFV21), the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has developed a heavy-duty truck in the 20-ton class that uses DME as its fuel. A NOx storage reduction (NSR) system has also been developed to achieve the EFV21 NOx target of 0.5 g/kWh, which is only one-fourth of the new long-term regulation value promulgated in 2005. The optimization of the NSR system's rich spike control, catalyst capacity, etc., has reduced NOx to 0.11 g/kWh, a level that is close to zero.

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