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Development of a Heavy-duty DME Truck in EFV21 Project - Research and Development of DME Engine and Chassis -


Takayuki Tsuchiya - Nissan Diesel Motor Co. Ltd Yoshio Sato - National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory



Alternative Fuel, Emission, Engine Performance, DME, Heavy-Duty Truck, NOx, PM


Recenty, DME (dimethyl ether) has surfaced as a promising alternative fuel for heavy-duty diesel trucks. Since DME is sulfur-free, and undergoes smokeless combustion, a drastic reduction in exhaust emissions is possible using EGR and a catalyst. A heavy-duty 20 ton GVW DME truck was developed under the auspices of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the first known instance worldwide. With suitable combustion improvement and careful design of the fuel system considering DME’s unique fuel characteristics, and also use of the proper EGR and catalyst, exhaust emissions levels were generally less than 1/4 of the new Japan (2005) long-term limits. The running performance of DME truck was found to be equivalent to a diesel powered truck.

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