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The Influence of the Mixing Ratio of Double Componential Fuels on HCCI Combustion


Susumu Sato - Keio University Graduated School, Integrated Design Engineering
Soonpyo Kweon - Keio University Graduated School, Integrated Design Engineering
Daisuke Yamashita
Norimasa Iida - Keio University, System Design Engineering



Engine, Combustion, Ignition, Knocking, HCCI, Methane, DME, n-Butane, Numerical Calculation


For practical application on the HCCI engine, solution of subjects, such as control of auto-ignition timing and avoidance of knocking, is indispensable. This study focused on the technique of controlling HCCI combustion appropriately, changing the mixture ratio of two kinds of fuel. Methane and DME/n-Butane were selected as fuel. The influence, which the mixing ratio of two fuels does to ignition timing, ignition temperature, rate of heat release and oxidation reaction process, were investigated by experiment with 4-stroke HCCI engine and numerical calculation with elementary reactions.

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