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The Effect of Exhaust Pipe Shape on the Back Pressure Characteristics and Engine Performance


Sungman Son - Kyunghee University
Kyoungsuk Park - Kyunghee University
Sejong Park - Sejong Industrial Company
Hocheol Suh - Sejong Industrial Company
Daiun Park - Kyunghee University



Muffler, Exhaust pipe, Shape, Exhaust system, Back pressure, Engine performance


In recent years, the influence of automobile emission controls on the environment has become an increasingly serious problem on noise. It occurs that exhaust pipe of an internal combustion engine should be bent due to some geometrical constraints. Especially the problem influences on the development of the sub muffler, dual muffler and etc. The back pressure of these exhaust components increased constantly. In this reason, back pressure from the vehicle is generated by various shape such as the internal combustion engine with 4 cycles and 2000cc automotive SI engine. By inserting bent pipes of different curvature dimensions into the engine exhaust pipe at various engine operating conditions, numerous states of engine performance and fuel consumption were measured. In this study, it is discussed the back pressure characteristics of exhaust system in accordance with its variable shapes and conditions.

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