Relative Damage, brake pedal, Acceleration Life Test
There are a lot of occasions that most components are hard to calculated by Fatigue Damage to develop automotive component valuation method. These components become to do blazing fire, and then occurred deformation or failure, finally lose function that do purpose by damage of stress of displacement, speed, acceleration and electrical load etc.. That is, fatigue failure is gotten up. Quantifying fatigue damage is calculated in many ways. However, in this study, we proposed a method for quantifying damage of component, unit or system using with S-N diagram and Miner’s Rule and named Relative Damage Method. Additionally, there is investigated quantifying damage of service load with Relative damage Method. In this study, using with automotive brake pedal for application example, pedal force is measured for service load and quantified to damage with relative damage method. Assessment of pedal on this study is carried out in respect of driver’s service pedal force and cycles rather than mechanical strength of components. Brake pedal evaluated essential point in strength because of design essential point in safety more, but put essential point in degradation by iteration of cycles here and calculated damage.