It’s not been so long since the importance of Electromagnetic Compatibility emerged. Still then, we used to recognizethe sudden deviation of Electrical or Electronic Device in the vehicle as a sort of mystery. But the system of vehicle is getting more complicated and needing a lot more and more. So, this mysterious deviation of the system, which has been overlooked easily, became a huge problem in the complicated and sophisticatedly . designed system. Many people have been studied what causes the problem and tried to find the solution. And we discovered a variety of problem generated by Electronic or Electrical devices in the vehicle, as well as problems caused environmentally. So Radiation from the vehicle and components started to be restricted by regulation. And also, Immunity of the vehicleand component became enormously important factors now. Due to the fact that most of explainable problems possibly are caused for such reasons, Radiation and Immunity of thevehicle and components are restricted by regulated provisions. However, there are still a lot of serious problem coming out without no clear cause proved. And it turned out that these unexplainable problems are caused by Transients generated in the vehicle system. As people turned their eyes on this subject, certain kinds of transients revealed. Those are all specified in the specifications, such as ISO, SAE, etc. So, what we’re planning to do is to obtain actual transient from the vehicle system and compare with the simulation Transients referred in Specification. Throughcomparison between these two kinds of transients, it is expected that we can define how these two transients are correlated and how we can apply information obtained thorough this for the future car EMC validation.