Vehicle operating speed, Computation model, Driver, Road safety sense
The real vehicle operating speed on the highway section is one of the technological bases of the operating harmony and safety evaluation for driver-vehicle-road and environment. Taking the class 2 highway as a case, according to the perception-evaluation-decision thinking procedure of driver which takes the “road structure and traffic environment conditions—road safety sense—actual control speed” as its major information flow, this paper applies the fuzzy analysis theory and data fitting method on the basis of many road tests and driver perception evaluation tests, adopts the study route of the two stage mode in which the first stage is to build the fuzzy evaluation model of driver’s perception to the typical highway sections, the second stage is the calculation of the vehicle operating speed based on the evaluation value of road safety sense; discusses the computational method of predicting the operating speed considering the safety sense of the drivers toward the highway section structure and traffic environment, and puts forward a new quantitative computation model of vehicle operating speed. Based on the road test data, the model at the condition of highway structure and traffic environment of the class 2 highway of national highway is calibrated, and the feasibility and validity of the model is verified.