Key-Words :
Hydrogen; Rh; Hexadecane; de-NOx
The diesel engine has a good fuel economy and high durability. The amount of total hydrocarbon (THC), CO and CO2 in diesel emission is low. However, the emission of NOx is plenty so the occurrence of a problems. The reduction of NOx in diesel emission is difficult because of the presence of excess oxygen. To solve those problems in this study, the synthesis gas (CO and H2) and olefins produced from the diesel fuel reforming devices were directly injected into a de-NOx catalyst system. The synthesis gas is producted mainly by a partial oxidation of diesel fuel over Rh catalysts. Hexadecane represents the paraffin compounds at the highest concentration in diesel fuel.. The reforming of n-hexadecane was examined at a variety of supported component. The best selectivity of H2 and CO was obtained at Rh-Ce-Zr-LaOx. The temperature was examined ranging from 200℃ to 800℃ and the best conversion of n‐hexadecane was obtained at >700℃ and the best selectivity of CO and H2 was obtained at 800℃. The reforming efficiency increased with increasing temperature ratio up to about 800℃. The reaction temperature is an important reaction condition that influences the reforming efficiency; the conversion and selectivity to CO, H2 increased with increasing temperature up to about 800℃. In the opposite performance, the conversion and selectivity to olefins decreased with decreasing temperature down to about 200℃