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Real Time PM Size Distribution Measuring System Development and PM Distribution Measurement


K. H. Ahn - Dept. of Mech. Eng., Hanyang University
C. H. Cha - Dept. of Mech. Eng., Hanyang University
K. H. Lee - Dept. of Mech. Eng., Hanyang University



Differential Mobility Analyzer, PM burning, Oxidation


Diesel exhaust soot particles have been a hot issue not only in the area of visibility impairment as well as in the human health. In recent years, the fine particles smaller than 2.5 micron in diameter have been considered one of the most harmful particles to human health. It's been known that Diesel soot particles are in the fine particle size range. By these reasons Diesel PM attracts many public attentions. In this research, Diesel soot particle size distribution has been investigated using house made real time particle size distribution measuring system; Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer (SMPS) with single cylinder Diesel engine. The measuring system successfully measure PM size distribution with different engine conditions. PM oxidation process is also successfully monitored by this instrument.

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