Diesel Engine, DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter), PM (Particle Matter), DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalysts), ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel), Active Regeneration, Fuel Injection,
The application of after-treatment system has been a necessity according to the reinforcement of exhaust regulation with the rapid growth of vehicles that was applied to diesel fueled engine. Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) system was nearly recognized the prior method for reduction of particle matter (PM) but there is one problem that is a regeneration strategy in the low temperature region. In the past, the active regeneration system was complicated, high price, unreliable, so not only regeneration system but also whole DPF system has been doubt about the applying to the vehicle. But a continuous regeneration DPF system has been developed. This system has solved the all problems about complication and unreliability without one which is unsolved problem in low temperature driving condition. In this paper, the evaluation of fuel injection characteristics has been carried out with the third generation, active regeneration DPF system for the decrease of regeneration temperature due to diesel fuel injection. Therefore regeneration temperature and flow uniformity were analyzed in accordance with fuel injection strategy