Diesel, DPF(Diesel Particulate Filter), DOC(Diesel Oxidation Catalysts), PM(Particle Material), ELPI(Electric Low Pressure Impactor), CPC(Condensation Particle Counter), PMP(Particle Measurement Program), Thermodenuder
The emission of nano-particle was measured and evaluated in a heavy duty diesel engine with diesel after-treatment system. Limited petroleum fuel and green house effect require the necessity of CO2 reduction policy and high fuel efficiency automobile in every country more and more. Diesel vehicle is the effective way to satisfy these requests. But the emissions of particle material and nitrogen oxide are remained to overcome. In addition the particle size is getting small in accordance with a high pressure of fuel injection and high compression ratio and that is harmful to human body. In this paper, catalyzed continuous regeneration type DPF system was evaluated and analyzed in terms of nano PM reduction rate and exhaust characteristics. From the results, NO2 and O2 are major species relating to oxidation of particle material and the fractional filteration efficiency is very important factor for the DPF system design in accordance with reduction of nano size particles to meet future coming PM number regulation.