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Development of the OBD Test Automation using HILS


Seung-hyun Park - Hyundai motors
Jongsoo Lee - Hyundai motors
Youngjin Kim - Hyundai motors
Seungwook Yang - Hyundai motors



ECU, OBD, Test Automation, HILS(Hardware In the Loop Simulation)


By contribution of electronic technologies, the vehicle can achieve higher performance and safety. It also an important measure to control emission level. However, it may cause an emission increase or sometimes dangerous driving conditions if electronic control system fails. That is the main reason that the OBD functions are occupied approximately 50% within an ECU logics. And, the importance of OBD test increases to ensure fulfillment of legislation requirement and quality to reduce the service and warranty costs. But, the current OBD testing methods are sometimes time-consuming and inefficient. It is also inconvenient to make a specific test conditions because of satisfaction of diagnostic enable condition or making the malfunction phenomena themselves. In this paper, the development of OBD test automation system on HILS(the hardware in the loop simulation) is proposed and the results are presented. It shows that the application of test automation can reduce OBD development time and afford rising numbers of vehicle variants.

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