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Noise Reduction of Automobile Using Zwicker’s Loudness


Semyung Wang - Department of Mechatronics, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology Junghwan Kang - DA Research Lab, LG Electronics



Design Sensitivity Analysis, Optimization, Zwicker’s Loudness


The design sensitivity analysis of Zwicker’s loudness with respect to automobile body thickness is developed. The loudness sensitivity in the critical band is composed of two equations, the derivative of main specific loudness with respect to 1/3-oct band level and global acoustic design sensitivities. The main specific loudness is calculated by using FEM, BEM tools, i.e. MSC/NASTRAN and SYSNOISE. And global acoustic sensitivity is calculated by combining acoustic and structural sensitivity using the chain rule. Structural sensitivity is obtained by using semi-analytical method and acoustic sensitivity is implemented numerically using the boundary element method. For sensitivity calculation, sensitivity analyzer of loudness (SOLO), in-house program was developed. Design optimization for noise reduction by several objectives are compared and Zwicker's loudness shows most noise reduction.

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