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Knocking Detection by Complex Wavelet Instantaneous Correlation


Zhong Zhang - Department of Production System Engineering,Toyohashi University of Technology Satoshi Horihata - Department of Production System Engineering,Toyohashi University of Technology
Tetsuo Miyake - Department of Production System Engineering,Toyohashi University of Technology Eiji Tomita - Graduate School of Okayama University, Okayama University



Wavelet Transform, Vibration, Pattern Recognition, Knocking, Diagnostics


In this study, in order to extract the Knocking signal in an unsteady vibration signal, a method making the complex Real Mother Wavelet by extracting a part of the signal that has the characteristic frequency pattern occurred by Knocking signal was proposed. And a new Knocking signal extraction method that we call the Wavelet Instantaneous Correlation (WIC) method by using the complex RMW was proposed. Our experiments of the bench test of the commercial engine show that our approach is very useful for knocking detection, even under the condition of a very high engine speed at 6000rpm.

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