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Optimal Target Wheel Slip Tracking Using the Adaptive Sliding Mode Control


Daegun Hong - Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
Hyung-Jin Kang - Central R&D Center, Mando Corporation
Paljoo Yoon - Central R&D Center, Mando Corporation
Inyong Hwang - Central R&D Center, Mando Corporation
Kunsoo Huh - School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University



Wheel Slip Control, Braking Force Estimation, Adaptive Sliding Mode Control, Optimal Target Slip


The wheel slip control systems are able to control the braking force more accurately and can be adapted to different vehicles more easily than conventional ABS systems. In order to achieve the superior braking performance through the wheel-slip control, real-time information such as the tire braking force at each wheel is required. In addition, the optimal target slip values need to be determined depending on the braking objectives such as minimum braking distance, stability enhancement, etc. In this paper, a robust wheel slip controller is developed based on the adaptive sliding mode control method and an optimal target slip assignment algorithm. An adaptive law is formulated to estimate the longitudinal braking force in real-time. The wheel slip controller is designed using the Lyapunov stability theory and considering the error bounds in estimating the braking force and the brake disk-pad friction coefficient. The target slip assignment algorithm is developed for the maximum braking force and searches the optimal target slip value based on the estimated braking force. The performance of the proposed wheel-slip control system is verified in hardware-in-theloop simulations and demonstrates the effectiveness of the wheel slip control in various road conditions.

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