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Uncontrolled Regeneration Characteristics of the Diesel Particulate Filters in the Light Duty Diesel Engines


Hongsuk Kim - Engine R&D group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Seunghan Han - Engine R&D group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Gyubaek Cho - Engine R&D group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Youngil Jeong - Engine R&D group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials



Catalyzed Diesel particulate filter, Uncontrolled regeneration, Light duty diesel engine


Uncontrolled regeneration phenomenon has been known as a major reason for filter cracking or melting. In this study, the uncontrolled regeneration phenomenon was simulated with a PM loaded filter by rapid switching the engine operating conditions from 3500rpm of full load to idle. This study investigated the effect of PM loading amount and catalyst on the uncontrolled regeneration characteristics. The uncontrolled regenerations of two different light duty diesel engines were compared and safe PM loading amount against the uncontrolled regeneration was suggested.

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