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Generation of Engine Sound by Voice Interpolation Algorithm


Ooba Takafumi - Department of Production Systems Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology Zhong Zhang - Department of Production Systems Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology Horihata Satoshi - Laboratory of Physics, School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Nihon University
Tetsuo Miyake - Department of Production Systems Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology



Sound map, Engine sound, Resampling, Sound Interpolation


Because the motor drive car is quiet, it has the problem that the person's attention weakens compared with the engine drive car. Moreover, the user who requests the hobby from the car has dissatisfaction. In this study, we try a addition of the engine sound to the motor drive car for the hobby and safety. The pseudo engine sound generation is done based on the change in two element, which are the rotational speed and the load.

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