Brake noise, Creep-groan, Stick-slip, Dynamometer, Operating deflection shape
Creep-groan noise is a low frequency vibration of 20 to 500Hz at low speeds and low brake pressures in the vehicles. Recently, as vehicles that have automatic transmission system have been increasing, passengers feel more discomfort about creep-groan noise. The reason of creep-groan has been reported to be a result of stick-slip phenomenon between brake rotor and friction material. However, systematic approach involving chassis components as well as material characteristics has been recently investigated. This paper suggests a method to measure and analyze creep-groan noise quantitatively by using chassis dynamometer. Each test result from dynamometer and vehicle was correlated so that the availability of this measuring method could be evaluated. The bushing hardness and shape of lower arm was also considered to study how creep characteristics were influenced and improved.