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Vibration Measurement and Analysis using Continuous Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer


Semyung Wang - Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Yongsoo Kyong - Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Jongpil La - Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Kyihwan Park - Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Ki soo Kang - Ch


Since the contact type sensors can affect the characteristics of vibrating systems, the non-contact type sensors such as laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) are being widely used. For the scanning LDV, the laser beam can ‘scan’ the vibrating surface. With a set of mirrors, the continuous scan was realized, and the Chebyshev approach is applied to extract mode shapes. In this research, for the simple structure, this approach was verified by simulations under the various excitations such as an impact and a random. For numerical experiments, the vibration is modeled using impulse response functions and a convolution. For the real experiments, a cantilever beam and a plate have been used. Mode shapes from the real experiments will be compared with those from the FE analysis by NASTRAN.

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