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Development of a Human-in-Loop Driving Simulator Based on PC


Ma Zhanhua - Tongji University
Yu Zhuoping - Tongji University
Zhong Zaimin - Tongji University
Zhang Lijun - Tongji University


This paper describes the development of a PC based Human-in-loop driving simulator. Firstly a vehicle dynamic model is established. By converted into real-time code, the model is then integrated into the simulation software, with which the driver and the simulation hardware, including a full-size car (as the driver cockpit), a motion platform with its controller, image generators, control PC and some other accessories, construct a human-in-loop simulation system. In this paper the structures of the simulation software and hardware are also described.

This human-in-loop simulation system can real-time simulate the dynamic responses of the vehicle under various driving conditions and output corresponding visual and acoustical effects according to the driver’s operations. Meanwhile, the hydraulic actuators in the motion platform are driven by their controller to simulate the vehicle positions as well as its acceleration and vertical vibration.

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