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Study on Transient Property of Tire for Automobile


Yoshihiro Suda - The University of Tokyo
Jun Miyazaki - The University of Tokyo
Taichi Shiiba - The University of Tokyo
Wataru Seki - Bridgestone Corporation
Yoshitsugu Takemoto - Bridgestone Corporation


Automotive tires are one of the most important components in vehicle dynamics. From the viewpoint of the tire design, modeling of transient property of tires are quite important since these properties of tires affect the stability and drivability of the vehicles. This paper presents a modeling of transient property using steady-state tire model proposed by Fiala and string-type model by Pacejka. The proposed model is expressed by physical tire parameters and two indices for dynamic property. Experiments using several tires with different physical parameters were made and frequency response of lateral force and self-aligning torque were measured in dynamic tire tester. From these results the validity of the proposed model and transient tire properties are examined.

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