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Lower Extremity Injuries in Side Impact Vehicle Crashes


Arndt N. - Monash University
Grzebieta R. - Monash University
Fildes B. - Monash University
Sparke L. - Holden Ltd.


Lower extremity (LE) fractures and dislocations resulting from car crashes are costly and debilitating. To mitigate LE injuries it is important to identify the injury mechanisms first. In particular, occupant safety regulations for side impact crashes are deficient in protecting the knee, lower leg and ankle/foot and hence LE injuries require further research.

This paper presents some preliminary results from case studies of LE injuries that occurred in vehicles subjected to side impact crashes in Australia between 1989 and 2000. Three basic injury mechanisms were identified: (1) Intrusion causing entrapment resulting from leg area volume reduction; (2) High-energy, side impact, striking force resulting from being in direct contact or close proximity with the struck portion of the vehicle; and (3) Inertial movement of the body causing loading of the LE resulting from its interaction with the vehicle interior. The paper also proposes some injury mitigation strategies.

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