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Computerised simulation of car and 4WD impacts into alternative median barrier profiles using the DyMesh collision algorithm within the HVE simulation environment


G L Johnston - Simulation Graphics Pty Ltd
D I Parry - TRL Limited
C Bradley - Simulation Graphics Pty Ltd


This paper presents a cost effective alternative to repetitive finite element modelling of vehicle to barrier impacts using Engineering Dynamics Corporation’s HVE 3D Simulation system. Whilst it is not claimed this system is suitable for full NCHRP compliance testing it was found to provide a cost effective and fast alternative for preliminary testing of alternative barrier profiles. A pre-beta release of the DyMesh Collision Algorithm was used to simulate a series of vehicle to barrier impacts for a blackspot location in Sydney’s north. An alternative barrier profile had to be considered due to road width limitations preventing the footprint of a standard “New Jersey” profile barrier. A further concern was the barrier height preventing vision of lead vehicle brake lights through the tight reverse curves at this location. As a result of this analysis a recommendation was made to install a barrier of the British VCB profile.

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