The first part of the paper deals with the assessment of several methods using Lagrangian and Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulations in Radioss to model bird impacts onto rigid panels. FE results are compared with experiments in terms of local pressure, including Hugoniot and Stagnation ones, and global load. Two methodologies are chosen: one using a Lagrangian method and an hydrodynamic viscous model for the bird, and another using ALE method and an hydrodynamic bi-phase liquid/gas medium for the air and bird model. With the Lagrangian method, results are in a good agreement compared with available experimental results but the computing cost is expensive. With the ALE method, the calculation cost is lower. The second part of the paper deals with bird impact modelling onto metallic riveted panels using both FE methods. Results are in a good agreement with experiment when the metallic panel is dented only. For bird penetration cases, results highlight the problem of the modelling of the structural embrittlement due to the riveted joints (structural failure comes from a crack propagation between rivets).