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APP PHSH-3 - The First in Vietnam Biodegradable Grease for Wheel Bearing Application


Pham Thi Thuy Ha - Additives and Petroleum Products Company, Hanoi
Do Huy Dinh - Additives and Petroleum Products Company, Hanoi
Le Kim Dien - Additives and Petroleum Products Company, Hanoi
Vu An - Additives and Petroleum Products Company, Hanoi



Biodegradable Grease, Vegetable Oil Based Grease, Biodegradable Lubricant


Conventional Automotive Wheel bearing greases in general are based on mineral oils which render unfavorable impact on the environment. Owing to growing environmental concerns, vegetable oils are finding their way as lubricants for industrial and automotive applications. Aware of the importance of vegetable oils as environmental friendly lubricants, in its Research Program 2002-2004 the Vietnamese Government sponsored a Project namely “The research for production of highly performance greases based on vegetable oils” which is carried out by APP Company. This paper presents the results of the development of wheel bearing biodegradable grease APP PHSH 3 – the one of products developed in the above concerned Project.

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