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Compressed Natural Gas – CNG as a Fuel
for Diesel Engines


Dao Trong Thang - Le Quy Don University
Pham Xuan Phuong - The University of Melbourne


Key words

CFR engine, CNG, diesel, HAJI, pre-chamber, NOx emissions, CO2 emissions, HC emissions, CO emissions, brake thermal efficiency, and brake specific fuel consumption.


The purpose of the study was to develop an understanding of how is different between the performance of converted CNG engine and its original Diesel counterpart. In this work, a CFR, high compression ratio, and open chamber Diesel engine was converted to operate on CNG using hydrogen assisted jet ignition (HAJI) system. Torque, efficiency, NOx, CO2, HC, and CO emissions were measured. It is interesting that the converted engine was operated effectively. At high load region, the CNG thermal efficiency is around 7% higher than that of diesel. In addition, at the region, the amount of CO and CO2 is lower than 50% that of diesel cousin.

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