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Fuel Injection Strategies for Medium Duty Engines to Meet Future Emission Standards


Lingens, Andreas - DEUTZ AG
Hillsmann, Bemd - DEUTZ AG
Munch, Kai-Uwe - DEUTZ AG


For the medium duty engine market, DEUTZ AG provides two modem engine fami1ies, 2013 and 1013, to suit the requirements of commercia1 truck and industria1 app1ications. Both engine fami1ies are avai1ab1e in 4- and 6-cy1inder in1ine versions with 0.951 (2013) and 1.21 (1013) disp1acement per cy1inder. They cover a power output range of75 kW up to 235 kW. Equipped with a high-pressure e1ectronic unit pump fue1 injection system, 2013 and 1013 meet the current on- road and off-road emission standards (EURO3, C&I stage 2).2013 and 1013 are a1so avai1ab1e with a mechanica1 unit pump system to meet EURO2 and C&I stage 2.Future emission standards for both, on- and off-road, require the introduction of exhaust gas recircu1ation and exhaust gas aftertreatment, a1ong with significant modifications ofthe fue1 injection equipment. With respect to these emission requirements, e1ectronica11y contro11ed cam driven and common rai1 type fue1 injection systems are the options of choice. These systems offer features 1ike injection rate shaping, mu1tip1e pre- and post-injection, and adaptab1e injection pressure throughout the engine map. In this paper, the different fue1 injection systems are compared regarding their emission potentia1 in EGR- and non-EGR combustion systems. The impact offue1 injection pressure, rate shape, and different timing strategies on the re1evant emissions is discussed. Beyond the emission potentia1, criteria 1ike acoustics, drivab1i1ity , and compatibi1ity with future exhaust aftertreatrnent are app1ied.

For a non EGR-combustion system, a cam-driven fue1 injection system with boot shape injection rate exhibited the best performance regarding NOx-SFC and NOx-particu1ate trade-off, respective1y.1n EGR-combustion systems, post-injection showed a high potentia1 to reduce particu1ates at a constant SFC-1eve1. This was va1id for cam-driven and for common rai1 type fue1 injection systems. Here, high injection rates at need1e opening were app1ied in combination with a 1ate begin of the main injection.

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