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Tire Life Cycle Analysis - YU Experience


Danon,Gradimir - Faculty of Forestry
Vasic,Branko - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Jankovic,Svetozar - Megatrend University


Rubber is not regarded as an environmentally friendly material. Instead of being a valuable property the rejected tires became a big and complex problem because an environmentally friendly and economically justified technology of their reuse was missed. In the last ten years, under the pressure of public opinion, the studies in this area have been intensified. Certain results have already been achieved.

The problem analysis, some results and suggested measures obtained in the Yugoslavia study is presented in this paper. The current situation in Yugoslavia is inferior compared to the encirclement. An underdevelopment and the interior problems affected the motorization development being chaotic in the last ten years. Old tire problems were additionally emphasized by an uncontrolled import of old cars and tires. These problems have to be treated carefully and the project aimed at their solution has already been started. This project has gathered the competent government sections, tire manufacturers, tire users, experts from universities, and those responsible for the protection of the environment.

The goal in the first phase of this project is the foundation of the tire information center. Following the experience of the other countries, more developed in this area, and in accordance to the current economical and technological level of our country, the main goal of this Center would be the education of the drivers and mechanics through the different activities, courses, and seminars.

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