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Testing Methods for Complex Control Systems - Increased Testing Penetration Through Automated Testing


Deiss, Harald - ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Dornseiff, Manfred - ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Krimmel, Horst - ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Sax, Eric - FZI Karlsruhe


Despite shorter development times and more stringent software requirements, the software quality and the level of customer satisfaction must be retained or even stepped up without a significant increase in cost. Optimized processes, a standard design, reuse and the automation of tests contribute greatly to the increase in efficiency required for this. Efficient test management means that tests are not only conducted once all development phases are complete, but accompany the entire development process. Various development methods and tools are used during the various development phases of modern software development. Considerable test expenditure is tied up in the implementation of test vectors and test evaluation. This expenditure can be reduced significantly by reusing the test vectors created in the various development stages as well as by automating test implementation and test evaluation. This paper concentrates on methods and processes for measuring and checking the software quality and efficiency of test procedures. The procedures selected here and the benefits gained are presented taking the example of software development for transmission control units.

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