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ADASE – Efforts Towards Active Safety Europe


Ulmer , Berthold - DaimlerChrysler AG


The European EUREKA Prometheus programme and various other European member states programmes made different technological modules for driver assistance systems available.

The road safety standard in Europe is already very high, but still needs to be improved. Cost/benefit estimations, however, prove that an increase in safety realized by exploitation of conventional, passive safety technologies tends to be only moderate. Significant safety contributions will be achieved by the use of active safety systems. These Systems will go beyond the mitigation of accidents and be able to avoid collisions. They represent, therefore, the most efficient safety systems for the future.

In order to achieve this quantum leap in safety, essential boundary conditions have to be considered:

-The human driver must cope with and accept such systems,

-The reliability of the systems must be of highest standard,

-The systems have to be interoperable.

ADASE 2 (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe) will be instrumental to ease the introduction and implementation of active safety systems by:

-harmonising and communicating these functions,

-identifying technological needs and focussing on essentials,

-preparing architectures, roadmaps, and standards.

ADASE 2, as an European thematic network, will strengthen these activities on European level. In this talk an overview about the activities and first results in ADASE II will be given.

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