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Vehicle and Driver in Natural Sidewind – Possibilities for Active Intervention


Wallentowitz, Henning - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen Aachen, RWTH
Holtschulze, Jens - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen Aachen, RWTH
Holle, Michael - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen Aachen, RWTH


The crosswind behaviour of vehicles has been investigated by the automotive industry for a long time. Often, a reduction of the side wind sensitivity had to take the second place behind other driving situations, which were evaluated to be more important. The new possibilities which are offered by active driving dynamic controllers permit an easier separation of these conflicts of goals. Therefore this work shows some techniques allowing a compensation of the crosswind sensitivity. In addition a method is presented which offers the possibility to evaluate the crosswind behaviour of vehicles under natural wind conditions. Furthermore the behaviour of the driver is modelled mathematically using measurement results. This model is then used to investigate the interaction between driver and vehicle. This can be taken as a basis for further investigations regarding the driver’s behaviour with the objective to develop a tool which allows to influence the vehicle development in an earlier stage by taking the driver’s behaviour and feeling into account.

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