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TDS – Traffic Dialog System


Ortgiese, Michael - PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG


This contribution presents a new kind of FCD based traffic data collection directly linked with a traffic information system and a WAP-compatible GSM module. In this way the quality, manufacturing and communication costs can be reduced.

Another point is that the expected market penetration will be very high; one of the most important conditions for FCD. In addition to the technical view the TDS realises a new business model. The driver takes over a limited amount of communication costs, whereby the traffic information is available in return at low-cost.

The concept “TDS” attempts to avoid the existing problems the following aims were targeted:

-The linking of the technical procedure with a special business model which will lead to a substantial reduction in operating costs. One idea is to build a community of interest in order to reach a win-win-situation for the service provider and the user.

-Construction of a circulation of information between vehicles and operating centres to get an optimum of driver information and to suppress messages known by the operating centres. Both perform a dialog.

-The linking of TDS with a navigation system so that an optimal process quality is available and conditions for a high market penetration exist.

-Support of generally known standards for communication such as WAP or HTTP.

-Offers convenient dynamic navigation for the customer at low price due to "pay-per-use".

-Use of a technology which is known to the user and which covers the data protection requirements.

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