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Software Development for Driver Information Systems – Problems, Processes, Solutions


Ohler, Jens - CAA AG
Rößger, Peter - CAA AG


The number of functionalities in vehicles is constantly rising. Audio systems, telephone, fleet management systems, and navigation are state of the development today. Telematic services, dynamic route guidance and concierge services are invented at the moment. Internet applications, mobile services, and others will come soon. To allow the in-vehicle use of these applications without a loss in safety, the systems have to fit drivers´ needs, expectations, and abilities as much as possible. Highly integrated software based solutions allow to fit functionalities and human machine interfaces to the driver. Results of this developmental process are driver information systems or CarPCs. With these systems the IT world and the vehicle world are tied together.

To allow a fast and direct development of the software, a straight and complete developmental process is essential. First steps of the development include task analysis, user studies, and identifying customer CI. The resulting concepts are used to simulate the DIS on PC. Stepping forward, hardware like cell phones or seats are connected to the simulation. PC based solution are then integrated into seating bucks and prototype cars. An automatic code transfer then makes the final step to series production from the PC to the target processor.

To realize this developmental process, a software tool was evolved and introduced. This tool allows working on the complete process. Major focus was set on the code transfer from the PC to the target processor. This means, that the software, that simulated the driver information system on the PC, is used in the final system as well. Besides saving time and money this strategy allows fast and flexible changes and updates, even after the SOP.

In the presentation the philosophy and possibilities of the tool will be shown. The process from first analysis to the final systems will be presented. Driver information systems, modules and human machine interfaces developed with the tool will be shown and discussed.

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