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An Extensive Analysis of the Exhaust Emissions from Spark-Ignition Vehicles using Fuels with Biocomponents


Aakko, Päivi - Technical Research Centre of Finland
Jäntti, Anu - Technical Research Centre of Finland
Pentikäinen, Juha - Fortum Oil and Gas Oyj
Honkanen, Tapio - Fortum Oil and Gas Oyj
Rantanen, Leena - Fortum Oil and Gas Oyj


Exhaust emissions from cars using ETBE and ethanol as biocomponents in gasoline were compared to the emissions with the reformulated gasoline containing MTBE and TAME (RFG). The emission measurements were carried out with six multi point port fuel injection cars equipped with three-way catalyst, with a carburettor car without catalyst and with a direct injection gasoline car. The tests were conducted at normal test temperature using the European emission test cycle.

The differences in regulated emissions, speciated hydrocarbons, formaldehyde and total particulates were generally insignificant when fuels containing biocomponents were compared to the reformulated gasoline. The acetaldehyde emission was higher for the fuels containing ETBE and/or ethanol than for the reformulated gasoline. The differences in the particulate and semivolatile PAH emissions were low for the test fuels. The mutagenicity with Ames test was analysed with limited number of samples and thus the results are tentative. However, an indication of lower mutagenicity for the ETBE or ethanol containing gasoline than for the RFG was seen.

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