The forthcoming modification of the Ministry of Transport Decree 6/1990 KÖHÉM, containing the Hungarian technical rules of road vehicles, means the third important step in the EU-harmonisation process. The actual task is not the big transition anymore as it was in 2000, but keeping up with the internal development of the EU-law. This is not a small job, neither, because the EU-type approval procedure is just transforming now in such an extent, as it has never been since the very beginning, 1970, or at least since 1992. Additionally, these changes are almost in coincidence with the issue of the new bus-directive 2001/85/EC without a predecessor.
The harmonisation of the type approval system in Hungary is successful, but practical experience of the first two years shows, that a fine tuning is necessary on some areas. This is especially true speaking about small series and single vehicles approvals, which is important for commercial vehicles and which is an area, where the EU is also looking for his way. So we are not behind, but it is important now to turn in the right direction.
The presentation gives an overview on the main characteristics of the new framework directive under preparation, the perspectives of the European type approval for buses and the main consequences deriving from those on the harmonisation tasks of the near future. We show the triple alternative system of mandatory regulations in Hungary, based on the system of unique directives of the framework directive, to be applied for the type-, small series- and single vehicle approvals in Hungary. At the end we introduce the new bus-directive, comparing it with the UN-ECE regulations on the same subject.